We love this tower! It fits perfect under our island overhang for storage and our little guy gets in and out by himself providing so much independence. As an interior designer, I approve of the minimal and modern design also!
While the shipping times aren't super quick (understandably), the quality and ease of assemble make it absolutely worth the wait. My toddler loves it and it has made it so much more fun and easy to involve him in making snacks, washing hands, fruits and veggies, and preparing meals. It's really easy for him, even being pretty little for his age, to get up and I am not at all concerned about him falling out. One of my favorite purchases in the past year!
Sturdy, excellent craftsmanship, and was easy to put together. My almost two year old loves using it.
Our daughter loves being part of the action in the kitchen. This is the perfect tool to help her learn and grow. Highly recommend for any toddler parents.