Welcome to #WeLoveOurAcornCrew, an exciting new series featuring our amazing customers. For our first feature, we're excited to highlight Ry Crockett, mama to Palmer and Jones, and proud owner of a Toddler Tower.
Today, we're talking all things sweet for Valentine's Day. We did a Q+A with Ry and her little girl Palmer all about their favorite Valentine's Day traditions. She and Palmer even baked up some yummy treats to make this that much sweeter. Take a look!
Q: What’s your favorite sweet treat to make with your little one?
A: Palmer LOVES cake. Everything about it. Making it, eating it.
Q: Do you prefer roses or chocolate?
A: Chocolate forever.
Q: What celeb would you not mind having as your Valentine?
A: We're big fans of the Biebs.
Q: What’s your perfect Valentine’s Day?
A: Anything that I can wear sweatpants to!
Q: Describe the love between you and your little chef, Palmer!
A: Palmer is a wild one, she loves to be goofy and I think that’s so much fun! She finds joy in everything, and I love that about her!
Q: Do you have any Valentine’s Day traditions?
A: Nope! We keep it simple and normally stay home.
Q: What do you love most about the Franklin+Emily pieces in your home?
A: Our toddler tower is such a staple in our everyday life. We use it daily and it helps keep Palmer in the middle of everything, which is what she wants! The best part is that it fits in with our decor so well. I don’t feel like I need to put it away when we have company or when it’s not being used.

To be featured on our #WeLoveOurAcornCrew series, email megan@franklinemily.com! Thanks for reading and see you next time!